A necessary devise for the portrayal of infinite "things": Useful things, useless things, unpleasant things, desirable things, undesirable things, delicate things, firm things, things that can't be named, things that can be named, things which are connected and also things which are severed. Among all these things, each of us finds something which we can identify with our own bodies. And they radiate time. Finally their borders blur. We penetrate them and an experience arises.
・・・ケイケンチ ガ アガッタ。

When our lives float, we feel troubled but can only ride with the experience. When a sudden upheaval throws us into confusion, a frenzy of forces are at play which can be manipulated to create a work of art. Centrifugal and centripetal forces bind. An object is created. We give it a name and throw a switch and it becomes independent, repetitive and multiplies. Sometimes it responds more than we expect and plays with our intentions. A power for life arises.
・・・セイメイリョク ガ アガッタ。

Step up
From fieldwork we mediate an item, synchronize the number of waves, and arrive at a form. And if we reach a concept ... one side becomes clear.
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